State Transportation Commission Logo
State Transportation Commission
State Transportation Commission
2019 Twelve Year Program 2019 Twelve Year Program
August 2018
Tom Wolf
Leslie S. Richards
Secretary, PA Department of Transportation
Chairperson, State Transportation Commission
James D. Ritzman, P.E.
Deputy Secretary for Planning

About the State Transportation Commission

The Pennsylvania State Transportation Commission (STC) is comprised of 15 members and is chaired by the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). As the board of directors to PennDOT, the STC is charged with the high-level evaluation of Pennsylvania's transportation system and provides policy-driven direction with respect to the development of the Twelve Year Transportation Program.

Cover Photo by John Myler P.E.
Hulton Bridge in Oakmont Borough, Allegheny County
Eisenhower Interchange, Dauphin County

Welcome from the Secretary

"Planning for the many transportation modes associated with Pennsylvania’s immense transportation system impacts every resident, business, and visitor of the Commonwealth."

Secretary Richards Signature
Leslie S. Richards
Secretary, PA Department of Transportation
Chairperson, State Transportation Commission

Brian Link
Route 641 in Spring Run, Franklin County


Transportation Planning in Pennsylvania

The Twelve Year Transportation Program (TYP) is Pennsylvania’s official mid-range planning tool used to identify and prioritize transportation projects. It is the outcome of a collaborative effort between the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), State Transportation Commission, its Planning Partners and the public. The TYP represents all modes and means of transportation including highways, bridges, public transit, aviation, and rail, as well as non-motorized transportation such as bicycling and walking.

Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Dauphin County
Walnut Street Bridge in Harrisburg, Dauphin County
Craig Kackenmeister<br>A Trans-Bridge bus waits for passengers at the Lehigh Valley International Airport Bus Terminal
Rockville Bridge, Dauphin County

Pennsylvania's TYP is required by Act 120 of 1970 and must be submitted to the State Transportation Commission every two years. The TYP is a dynamic schedule of agreed-upon projects that PennDOT, with its various partners, will work to accomplish over a 12-year period.

The Twelve Year Transportation Program is separated into three four-year periods. The first four years corresponds with the federally required Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs).

Craig Kackenmeister
An ATI cargo plane departs Lehigh Valley International Airport

The Twelve Year Program Process

Planning and Prioritizing Projects

Transportation projects are listed on the TYP based upon delivery schedules, regional and statewide goals and targets for infrastructure performance and condition, and expected funding availability. Projects are organized by the associated Planning Partner and further delineated by transportation mode and county.

Railroad in Reading, Berks County
Fort Pitt Bridge, Allegheny County
A view of Erie from the convention center, Erie County
Schuylkill River Trail, Berks County

Transportation project costs are allocated over one or more four-year periods based on the anticipated schedule of the project. The TYP also includes line items by funding category which are typically seen in the second and third four-year program periods. As new projects are identified, the line items are adjusted to reflect the detailed phases and costs associated to advance the project, all within fiscal constraints.

What is the Twelve Year Program?

transportation mode icons

The TYP is a multimodal, fiscally-constrained program of transportation improvements spanning a 12-year period. Multimodal means that the TYP includes all travel modes, including highways, bridges, public transit, aviation, rail, freight, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities.

The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program

The first four years of the TYP is the federally-required Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP includes the 24 individual regional TIPs representing each Planning Partner and one independent county (Wayne County). In Pennsylvania, MPOs and RPOs update their TIPs every two years during the TYP update process. Public involvement activities are required when developing these programs, which are specified in the regional Public Participation Plans designed and adopted by each MPO and RPO.

In order for a project to be placed on the TIP or TYP, it needs to align with the future vision of the region's Long Range Transportation Plan.

Regional Long Range Transportation Plans

The federal government requires MPOs to prepare a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) to receive federal funding for transportation projects. The LRTP includes a list of transportation projects that must be fiscally constrained and based on the amount of funding the MPO expects to receive over the next 20 years. The LRTP is updated every four or five years to reflect new data and changes to regional priorities for transportation investment.

Transportation Program Review and Approval

The STC reviews the TYP every two years. After STC approval, the STIP (the first four years of the TYP) is sent to the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the Environmental Protection Agency for review and approval prior to the start of the federal fiscal year on October 1.

Transportation Program Development Process - Twelve Year Program Cycle

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
1st Four Years (TIP & STIP) 2nd Four Years 3rd Four Years
Twelve Year Program (TYP)

Route 22 near Gallitzin, Cambria County

Do you know your Planning Partner?

Pennsylvania's statewide transportation planning effort begins at the local level with its 19 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), 4 Rural Planning Organizations (RPOs), and one independent county (Wayne County). Click on the county where you reside to see which planning organization represents you.


Public Participation

Public involvement is an important part of the TYP update process. It is through the STC’s Public Participation Process that all transportation stakeholders, especially the members of the public, communicate and provide feedback on local, regional and statewide transportation issues. This feedback and input plays a key role in the decision-making processes for programming and funding transportation projects.

PennDOT Connects
US 15 Smart Transportation Corridor Improvement Project
I-90 Section 1 Public Meeting
Bayfront Public Meeting

Following the biennial release of the PA Transportation Performance Report, which assesses the condition of the PA transportation system with available resources, PennDOT, the STC and regional Planning Partners across the Commonwealth conduct extensive outreach to collect public feedback which is compiled, documented and analyzed for use in the TYP, regional TIPs, and regional Long Range Transportation Plans (LRTPs).

Click below for details on each process

The STC and PennDOT actively engage the citizens of Pennsylvania in the TYP Update process to better understand the Commonwealth’s transportation needs and priorities from the perspective of the system users. Throughout this process, the transportation stakeholders, particularly members of the public, interact, communicate and take part in the decision-making process regarding the identification and prioritization of transportation projects. The 2019 TYP public outreach process, which received national recognition, consisted of three primary tools to give the public convenient and user-friendly opportunities to provide feedback; namely:

STC outreach team with Scretary Richards at the 2018 TRB Conference
  1. A customized, interactive online survey that invited participants to:
    • Identify their preferred mode of transportation and frequency of use
    • Rank their transportation system priorities
    • Develop their version of a multimodal transportation budget
    • Map their transportation concerns throughout the state
    • Voluntarily provide demographic information
  2. An online public meeting
    • Aired live with an interactive audience of public participants
    • Integrated with social media to expand public interaction opportunity
    • Recorded and posted on the STC website for public access post-event
  3. A standardized project feedback form
    • Provided an alternative format for submitting specific project suggestions and details

A significant milestone was achieved by PennDOT and the STC in 2017 with national recognition of its outreach program by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Transportation Research Board (TRB).

AASHTO recognized the campaign as part of its TransComm Skills Contest in the ‘Public Outreach Approach’ award category. Pennsylvania was also one of five successful states, out of 41 total, competing in TRB’s 11th annual John and Jane Q Public communications award competition. "Communicating the Value of Long-Term Transportation Planning" was the theme for the 2017 TRB competition, and as one of the four runners-up, the PennDOT team was invited to deliver a formal presentation and participate in a poster session at the January 2018 TRB Conference.

The STC and PennDOT are committed to sustaining an effective and inclusive public outreach process and have continued to evaluate and improve the program’s effectiveness since the initiation of its modernization effort in 2013.

Link to Transportation Performance Report

Several weeks after the release of the 2017 Transportation Performance Report in mid-February, the public comment period was announced and the new customized online transportation survey was launched on. The open public comment period ran for a 45-day time frame from March 6 through April 19, 2017.

The public feedback collected by the STC was summarized and shared with regional Planning Partners in advance of the development of their regional TIPs. Several STC members attended regional Planning Partner public meetings to present and receive additional feedback on the statewide and regional transportation survey results.

On March 21, 2017, PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards, PennDOT executive staff and members of the STC conducted a one-hour interactive online public meeting. Two-hundred fifty participants pre-registered online to attend the webcast; 124 live streams were documented with over 90 users documented streaming the meeting in its entirety from beginning to end. Secretary Richards opened the meeting with a review of the highlights from the 2017 Transportation Performance Report.

March 21, 2017 Online Public Meeting
March 21, 2017 Online Public Meeting

Participants were invited to respond to poll questions pertinent to the topics of discussion to actively engage the live audience during the presentation period. The responses were tallied live and reported back to the participants as a part of the presentation. The second half of the meeting was dedicated to a live Q&A session. Participants submitted their questions through the meeting software or social media and the panel responded on-air to as many questions as possible during the last 30 minutes of the meeting. Written responses were provided to each of the participants who provided an email address including those whose questions were answered on air. A transcript of the questions asked and answers provided was also compiled and posted on

Computer with the Online Transportation Survey

The new customized online transportation survey was designed with a diverse public in mind, and for accessibility via mobile devices, tablets, and desktop computers. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback from the public on a variety of transportation topics and to establish a baseline on the general participant demographics for future use.

The survey consisted of five distinct sections: demographics, modes of transportation, transportation priorities, budgeting, and mapping transportation concerns.

The hallmark of the survey was the mapping exercise. The mapping feature was linked to PennDOT’s MPMS IQ (now PennDOT One Map) – a web-based GIS mapping application for accessing highway and bridge project data for the Commonwealth.

Over 5,000 survey visits were documented; and of those, nearly 4,000 visitors completed the survey from beginning to end.

Rail Freight near Mifflin, Juniata County

Transportation Funding in Pennsylvania

Transportation projects on the TYP utilize a combination of federal, state, and local funds. The available funding levels over the twelve years reflect a reasonable estimate of anticipated funding, based upon authorized funding levels, actual and anticipated budgets and historical trends.

Bus crossing railroad in Reading, Berks County
BARTA Transportation Center in Reading, Berks County
Pedestrian Bridge in Mifflintown, Juniata County
Route 35 bridge cleaning, Juniata County

Federal Funding

Federal funds are distributed to states through authorizing legislation that determines funding categories and amounts. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, was passed in December 2015 and authorized a total of $305 billion through September 30, 2020 for Federal highway, transit and rail programs.

State Funding

State funds for highways and bridges are provided through revenues received from sources such as the Gas Tax, registration and titling of vehicles. These revenues are placed in the Motor License Fund (MLF). The annual state budget process determines amounts available for highway and bridge projects on the TYP as well as for other uses such as highway maintenance and Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) operations. State funds for transit are supplied through various sources, most notably the Public Transportation Trust Fund. State funding levels for transit, rail and aviation projects are determined during the annual state budget process. The Multimodal Fund was created by Act 89 of 2013, which directs over $76 million annually in grants to aviation, freight and passenger rail, ports, and bicycle/pedestrian activities.

Local Funding

Funds in the TYP may also be provided by local municipalities, private entities, toll authorities, and transit operators. These funds are most often included when a match is required for state or federal funds.

2019-2030 Twelve Year Transportation Program Funding Level Summary ($ millions)

The 2019 TYP contains over $63 billion worth of projects involving all modes of transportation and intermodal connections. The table below shows the distribution of funding in millions of dollars for the first four years, the second four years, and the third four years, and the total TYP.

Program 1st Four Years
2019 - 2022
2nd Four Years
2023 - 2026
3rd Four Years
2027 - 2030
  Highway/Bridge 11,530 11,697 11,393 $34,620
  Aviation 128 128 128 $384
  Multimodal 319 348 391 $1,058
  Rail Freight 228 229 229 $686
  Transit 9,616 8,333 9,253 $27,202
Total $21,821 $20,735 $21,394 $63,950
AJ Knee
Amtrak Station, Lancaster County

2019-2030 TYP Funding by Mode

Explore the Projects

The Twelve Year Program List of Projects

The Twelve Year Program list of projects has been broken up by county to make searching easy. Please click on a county below to view the list of projects for that county. The Interstate and Statewide projects are grouped separately and can be viewed from the buttons below. Search and click the list to view funding details. Other resources for exploring transportation projects include: PA Transportation Projects and PennDOT One Map.

A key to the TYP
View Interstate
View Statewide

Fox Hill Rd in State College, Centre County

Customer Resources

Find Projects in Your Neighborhood

PennDOT has deployed several online interactive tools to map and provide information on its various transportation projects throughout the Commonwealth. Through the PA Transportation Projects, PennDOT One Map and the Open Data Portal system websites, PennDOT is helping customers locate projects and stay engaged.

Contact Us

PennDOT’s Center for Program Development and Management (Program Center) under the Office if Planning is responsible for developing, managing and updating the Commonwealth’s Twelve Year Program for highways and bridges, mass transit systems, airports and rail freight. It also coordinates with county and regional agencies on transportation long-range planning and short-range programming (Transportation Improvement Program/Statewide Transportation Improvement Program) issues. Members of the Program Center also serve as the Executive Staff to the State Transportation Commission.

General Inquiries:
(717) 783-2262

  • PennDOT Office of Planning, Deputy Secretary - James D. Ritzman, P.E.
  • PennDOT Program Center, Bureau Director - Larry S. Shifflet
  • Transportation Planning - Mark Tobin
  • Twelve Year Program - Jessica Clark
  • Public Outreach Process - Terry Pinder
  • Data Inquiries - Martin Sargent
  • Meeting Coordination - Abdoul Ahmed Saidou

Thank you to all who participated in the 2019 TYP update. Our website,, contains many resources about transportation planning.

If you have any questions or comments, please use the email address or phone number listed above to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you again during the 2021 TYP update.

Pedestrian Bridge in Mifflintown, Juniata County

A Key to the Twelve Year Program

The following is an explanation of codes used in the Twelve Year Program project lists.

Project Listing
Project ID A unique project identification number used in the database
Title A brief name given to the project, often referred to as the project's "short title"

Mode Icons
Aviation Project
Highway or Bridge Project
Rail Freight Project
Transit Project

First First Four Years - 2019 to 2022
Second Second Four Years - 2023 to 2026
Third Third Four Years - 2027 to 2030

Study Projects that are studies or research projects
PE Preliminary engineering phase of the project development
FD Final Design phase of the project development
UTL Utility relocations (electric, telecommunications, mechanical)
ROW Right-of-way phase of the project
CON Construction phase of the project
PRA Planning and research or administrative projects
Total Total project cost