Every two years, the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) update the current 12-Year Transportation Program (TYP). To invite public input, the STC hosted a Public Comment Period from March 1, 2023 to April 30, 2023 which included an Online Public Forum and Transportation Survey.
Please note: The data represents survey feedback provided by the general public. The feedback will be considered as part of the 12-Year Program (TYP) update. Only geographic locations represented by a check mark icon are projects that are currently programmed on the TYP. Comments are as received with the exception of inappropriate, derogatory, or personal references which were modified. Additional data is available by request. Please contact the STC with questions at: (717) 783-2262 or RA-PennDOTSTC@pa.gov.