How It Works

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

The Public Participation Plan (PPP) explains the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), 12-Year Program (TYP), Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and the PPP; the update processes, and public involvement opportunities for each.

Who creates it?

PennDOT creates the PPP with input from metropolitan and rural planning organizations (MPOS and RPOs) and stakeholders across the state.

When is it updated?

PennDOT conducts a detailed assessment of the PPP every four to five years to determine if an update is needed.

How does it impact the planning process?

The PPP sets the baseline public involvement methods that must be followed for each statewide plan or program. It also makes it easier for the public to get involved in statewide planning programs.

    What laws and regulations are involved?

    Public Participation Opportunities

    • Comment on PennDOT’s public participation process at any time. Provide comments for consideration by contacting PennDOT’s Bureau of Equal Opportunity at: or by calling 1-800-468-4201; TTY (711).
    • Participate during the update of the PPP. 
    • Join the mailing list to receive notifications about upcoming opportunities.

    Read the 2020 Public Participation Plan

    PennDOT is dedicated to providing public outreach efforts that comply with, and whenever possible exceed, the requirements of federal laws, regulations, and executive orders. Procedures in this PPP will be implemented for planning processes initiated after January 1, 2020.

    Read the PPP

    Regional PPPs

    The Regional Public Participation Plan (PPP) outlines the public involvement activity and strategy for each Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organization (MPO and RPO). It complies with applicable federal and state regulations and relevant guidelines pertaining to public engagement in transportation planning and programming. In addition to providing region-specific information, the Regional PPP will also include goals, objectives, and techniques intended to provide effective and inclusive public engagement opportunities as part of the planning partners’ transportation planning efforts. Click on a region in the map below to view the most current version of each Regional PPP.

    Map Legend

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