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TAC Studies & Reports

The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) conducts studies and reports related to transportation to help advise the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).


  1. Study topics are submitted by members of the TAC, STC, and PennDOT.
  2. The TAC chooses transportation study topics that will help guide PennDOT’s processes to improve Pennsylvania’s transportation system.
  3. The TAC is responsible for conducting and reviewing the study.
  4. The STC is responsible for accepting the final report before publication.
  5. All studies and final reports are published here – on Talk PA Transportation.
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TAC Studies and Reports

Transportation and Land Use Implications of E-Commerce cover
Transportation and Land Use Implications of E-Commerce

Publication Date: February 26, 2025

Summary: Changes in how consumers obtain goods affect the transportation system—what type of traffic needs to be accommodated, where, and when, and what wear-and-tear that traffic causes. Changes may have safety implications as well. Similarly, the sustained trend of online ordering and home delivery of many goods that once involved a trip to downtown shops or a suburban mall shifts the demand for commercial real estate, and what type of development goes where (land use). Transportation and land use are closely interrelated and affect economic development and the quality of life in our communities; however, transportation and land use decisions are the responsibility of different entities. Much of the burden falls on local governments, which often lack the resources to guide e-commerce-related development in ways that maximize community benefits and minimize negative impacts, including traffic changes. This TAC study aims to: -Help PennDOT and its partners, including Pennsylvania’s metropolitan planning organizations and rural planning organizations (MPOs/RPOs), understand the trends, issues, and opportunities associated with e-commerce. -Offer insight as to how PennDOT, its regional planning partners, and policymakers could adapt practices in light of shifts in transportation needs. -Encourage state, regional, and local governments—along with the private sector—to collaborate to address transportation and land use challenges and opportunities amid ever-changing technology and trends.

Keywords: E-Commerce, transportation, retail, delivery, planning, impacts, land use, local government, technology, revenue, freight plan, zoning, package delivery, fulfillment center, brick-and-mortar

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2023 TAC Annual Report cover
2023 TAC Annual Report

Publication Date: December 31, 2023

Summary: The report provides an executive-level overview of the recommendations and findings highlighted in the TAC studies completed in 2023. The TAC explored the following studies: Expanding Truck Parking in Pennsylvania, and Addressing Municipal Challenges to Participating in Competitive Transportation Grant Programs. The report also includes a message from the TAC Chair.

Keywords: municipalities, local match, grants, truck, truck parking, freight

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Addressing Municipal Challenges to Participating in Competitive Transportation Grant Programs cover
Addressing Municipal Challenges to Participating in Competitive Transportation Grant Programs

Publication Date: December 13, 2023

Summary: The federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), makes available billions of dollars in much-needed new funding for U.S. transportation infrastructure. Approximately 40% of the IIJA/BIL funding is in the form of competitive discretionary grants. Similarly, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania administers several competitive grant programs. Many of Pennsylvania’s 2,560 municipalities are at a disadvantage when competing for grant funding because they cannot afford matching funds. Further, preparing grant applications and administering grant funds requires specific technical expertise and significant staff time—many municipalities have neither. The Pennsylvania Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) conducted this study to examine the challenges associated with discretionary grants from both a local government and state government perspective, and to identify best practices and recommendations. The aim is to strengthen the competitive position of Pennsylvania’s municipalities as they work to secure a share of federal and state grant funding to make vital transportation investments in our communities. TAC attempted to strike a balance between local challenges and considerations and those of state government.

Keywords: local match, local government, grants, federal grants, discretionary grants, municipalities, applications

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Expanding Truck Parking in Pennsylvania cover
Expanding Truck Parking in Pennsylvania

Publication Date: December 13, 2023

Summary: The shortage of truck parking in Pennsylvania, particularly along high-volume corridors, impacts the safe and efficient movement of goods through the Commonwealth. The issue has been a state and federal focus and has been well-documented over the past 20 years. Truck parking is not a core element of PennDOT’s responsibilities. However, because PennDOT has broad responsibility for transportation safety and mobility, the Department has a stake in supporting the adequacy of truck parking. Truck parking capacity can be expanded through the joint efforts of numerous stakeholders public and private at the state and local levels. (The federal government is providing strong policy-level support, encouraging attention to the challenge by the states.) The TAC initiated this truck parking study to identify near-term solutions aimed at increasing truck parking capacity in Pennsylvania. It is important to note at the outset that TAC recognizes that the provision of truck parking has been and will remain a private-sector opportunity. As this report demonstrates, however, there are appropriate public-sector support roles.

Keywords: Truck Parking, Public Private Partnership, freight, capacity, industrial parks, truck stops

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Public Transit Demand and Post-Pandemic Mobility and Rural Disparities cover
Public Transit Demand and Post-Pandemic Mobility and Rural Disparities

Publication Date: February 22, 2023

Summary: This report identifies public transit demand factors and provides recommendations for post-pandemic mobility planning. PennDOT and the TAC conducted mixed-method research of published and existing data, public surveys, and stakeholder interviews from 2021 to 2022. Each method of research resulted in a standalone document that included findings from each source and informed the next phase of data-gathering: a literature review (December 2021), a survey research summary (February 2022), and an interview research summary (April 2022). Based on information gathered through available research, targeted public surveys, and stakeholder interviews, PennDOT and the TAC identified the major effects of the pandemic on rural transportation.

Keywords: Public Transit, Post-Pandemic, Mobility Planning, Economic Disparities, Rural, COVID-19

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2022 TAC Annual Report cover
2022 TAC Annual Report

Publication Date: February 06, 2023

Summary: The report provides an executive-level overview of the recommendations and findings highlighted in the TAC studies completed in 2022. The TAC explored the following studies, the Demand for Alternate Uses of PennDOT Right-of-Way White Paper, the Pennsylvania Aviation System Strategic Plan, an Evaluation of the Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot on Roosevelt Boulevard, and the Post-Pandemic and Rural Disparities study in 2022. The report also includes a message from the TAC Chair.

Keywords: state right-of-way, PA right-of-way, Pennsylvania right-of-way, right-of-way permits, special events permit guidance, PennDOT Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), PA Consolidated Statutes, permit process, workforce, technology, funding gap, hangars, partnerships, commercial service, general aviation, funding scenarios, Act 86 of 2018, safety, crashes, equity, Roosevelt Boulevard, Vision Zero, vulnerable roadway users

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Evaluation of the Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot on Roosevelt Boulevard cover
Evaluation of the Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot on Roosevelt Boulevard

Publication Date: December 14, 2022

Summary: The study evaluated the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) pilot on Roosevelt Boulevard within the City of Philadelphia. The study determined the effectiveness of ASE, the potential for making the pilot permanent, and considered expanding automated speed enforcement into other jurisdictions in Pennsylvania.

Keywords: Act 86 of 2018, safety, crashes, equity, Roosevelt Boulevard, Vision Zero, vulnerable roadway users

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Pennsylvania Aviation System Strategic Plan cover
Pennsylvania Aviation System Strategic Plan

Publication Date: December 14, 2022

Summary: This study conducted a comprehensive needs assessment and developed a strategic action plan focused exclusively on Pennsylvania’s aviation system. The report examines the collective needs of the state’s aviation industry, including infrastructure investment needs, financing, technological advancements, and legislative reforms necessary to advance Pennsylvania aviation as a major mode of transportation in support of the state’s economy and mobility. The TAC developed the report in close collaboration with PennDOT’s Bureau of Aviation, the Pennsylvania Aviation Advisory Committee, and the Pennsylvania Aviation Council.

Keywords: workforce, technology, funding gap, hangars, partnerships, commercial service, general aviation, funding scenarios

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Demand for Alternate Uses of PennDOT Right-of-Way White Paper cover
Demand for Alternate Uses of PennDOT Right-of-Way White Paper

Publication Date: August 17, 2022

Summary: The study examines the issues and challenges Pennsylvania municipalities have encountered in seeking permission for alternate uses of state-owned right-of-way. These alternate uses include outdoor dining, parades, festivals, temporary bike lanes, temporary sidewalk expansions, Open Streets events, and other community events and activities. These uses contribute to a community’s economic vitality and quality of life and became even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, many activities typically held indoors, such as restaurant dining, were moved outside onto state-owned right-of-way to comply with social distancing regulations.

Keywords: state right-of-way, PA right-of-way, Pennsylvania right-of-way, right-of way permits, special events permit guidance, PennDOT Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), PA Consolidated Statutes, permit process

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2021 TAC Annual Report cover
2021 TAC Annual Report

Publication Date: December 21, 2021

Summary: The report provides an executive level summary of the recommendations and findings highlighted in the TAC studies completed in 2020 and 2021. In 2021, the TAC completed The Truck Weight Exemption, The Small Bridges Investment Plan, The Utilities in the State Right-of-Way, and The Transportation Impact Fees studies. The report also contains a message from the TAC Chair and information about the TAC and its membership.

Keywords: policy impact, freight, truck weight, exemption, special hauling permit, Pennsylvania bridges, local small bridge conditions, utilities in state right-of-way, PennDOT utility coordination, Pennsylvania utility coordination, impact fees, long-term transportation planning goals, transportation impact fees, annual report

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Transportation Impact Fees White Paper cover
Transportation Impact Fees White Paper

Publication Date: December 16, 2021

Summary: The study delineates the structural problems that presently exist statewide in how land use planning and transportation planning are being administered. The study documents the statutory authority municipalities have for managing land use at the local level through the state’s enabling legislation (the Municipalities Planning Code, or MPC). It also documents present-day challenges in the local decision-making process, including, but not limited to: the provisions of Act 209 (Pennsylvania’s Impact Fee), their complications, and how impact fees interact with developer improvement required by the Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) process and complement the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Other topics include issues such as: barriers to creating and administering Official Maps; the HOP process; and needed amendments to the state Municipalities Planning Code (MPC).

Keywords: impact fees, long-term transportation planning goals, funding sources in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC), MPOs, RPOs, local government cooperation, land use, transportation planning, Act 209, Highway Occupancy Permit, Transportation Imporvement Program, Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) process

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Utilities in the State Right-of-Way Study cover
Utilities in the State Right-of-Way Study

Publication Date: June 09, 2021

Summary: The Pennsylvania State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) formed a Task Force to study the topic of utilities in state right-of-way. The Task Force was comprised of representatives from utility companies, design consultants, contractors, municipalities, municipal authorities, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC), and PennDOT. The focus of the study was how utility companies with assets within the state right-of-way coordinate with the facility owner (PennDOT) relative to capital projects, and identification of potential opportunities for improvement. The Task Force identified four process improvements and three regulatory improvements for consideration. Additional details are available in the report.

Keywords: utilities in state right-of-way, PennDOT utilities, PennDOT utility coordination, Pennsylvania utility coordination, utility coordination, PA right-of-way, Pennsylvania right-of-way, PennDOT right-of-way, PA utility coordination, PA utility company coordination, improving utility coordination

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Local Small Bridges Study cover
Local Small Bridges Study

Publication Date: February 17, 2021

Summary: In 2020, the Transportation Advisory Committee commissioned this study to review the condition of local small bridges located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Local small bridges are defined as a bridge, culvert, or pipe(s) between 8 and 20 feet in length and are owned at the local level by counties and municipalities. Based on a 2011-2012 statewide inventory by PennDOT, there are an estimated 7,000 small bridges owned by local governments. With a lack of any state or federal mandate that requires municipalities to conduct routine inventory and inspection, local governments are not required to plan for and fund the long-term capital needs of the local bridge inventory. By understanding local perspectives and needs, the study offers recommendations for how PennDOT can help create increased capacity and incentives to create uniformity in local small bridge asset management.

Keywords: Pennsylvania bridges, PA bridges, PA local bridges, Pennsylvania local bridges, Pennsylvania bridge conditions, local small bridges, Pennsylvania local small bridges, small bridges, small bridge conditions, bridge asset management, small bridge structures, local bridge conditions in PA, small bridge conditions in PA, local bridge conditions in Pennsylvania, small bridge conditions in Pennsylvania

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Truck Weight Exemptions cover
Truck Weight Exemptions

Publication Date: August 01, 2020

Summary: What impacts have two decades of overweight truck permitting made on Pennsylvania’s state and local infrastructure, economy, and safety? The TAC developed an initial policy impact study to answer that question.

Keywords: policy impact, freight, truck weight, exemption, special hauling permit, Class I Railroads, Class II, Class III, trucking and rail industry, tractor-trailer, trucks in Pennsylvania, rail in Pennsylvania

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TAC 2019 Intercity Passenger Rail Report cover
TAC 2019 Intercity Passenger Rail Report

Publication Date: February 21, 2019

Summary: The State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) first conducted an intercity passenger rail study in 2001. TAC determined that a 2019 update was in order given the passage of nearly two decades since the topic had been studied. TAC aimed to address one fundamental question: What does it take to make intercity passenger rail feasible? Through the course of the study, TAC attained various insights and perspectives that are reflected by the recommendations.

Keywords: Intercity Passenger Rail in PA, feasibility of intercity passenger rail, Pennsylvania passenger rail, commuter rail, intercity bus, commercial air, ride-hailing effect on passenger rail, funding passenger rail, capital costs of passenger rail, Amtrak, new Amtrak lines, new passenger rail lines, how to make intercity passenger rail feasible

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TAC 2019 Transportation Funding Risks Report cover
TAC 2019 Transportation Funding Risks Report

Publication Date: February 21, 2019

Summary: Alternative state transportation funding sources and mechanisms may be required in light of system improvement needs, cost pressures, and funding risks. As the Keystone State, Pennsylvania must have a modern and efficient transportation system for the long term. The necessary investment to keep this system in a safe state of good repair is great, and present resources do not cover the needs. The risks to transportation funding discussed in this report could further compound this problem. For the foreseeable future, risks to transportation funding will be an essential focus.

Keywords: transportation funding, transportation funding risks, PennDOT funding, PennDOT funding risks, Pennsylvania transportation funding, cost pressures, motor license fund, funding risk analysis, federal funding impact, highway trust fund, vehicle sales tax provision repeal, public transportation trust fund, multimodal transportation fund, PA state police funding, funding impacts, transportation funding impact

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Automated Red-Light Enforcement (ARLE) cover
Automated Red-Light Enforcement (ARLE)

Publication Date: July 03, 2017

Summary: The Pennsylvania State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) study addresses several requirements of Act 101 of 2016 to conduct an independent and objective assessment of the ARLE program. The report examines ARLE’s effectiveness in improving safety by reducing vehicle crashes and injuries at intersections due to red-light running. ARLE is currently in operation at 30 intersections in the City of Philadelphia and three intersections in Abington Township, Montgomery County. The document concludes with study findings and recommendations, taking a strategic view of ARLE through 2027.

Keywords: Automated Red-Light Enforcement in PA, Pennsylvania red light enforcement, ARLE, What is ARLE, Is ARLE effective, does ARLE improve safety, ARLE Legislation, ARLE fine revenue, ARLE program expenses, new ARLE programs, expanding ARLE programs, Automated Red-Light Enforcement in PA, Automated Red-Light Enforcement in Pennsylvania

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Pennsylvania State Police Funding Options White Paper cover
Pennsylvania State Police Funding Options White Paper

Publication Date: December 15, 2016

Summary: The Commonwealth’s Motor License Fund (MLF) currently provides revenue for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP); however, the MLF cannot adequately fund both agencies. The PSP budget currently comes from a combination of State General Funds and transfers from the Motor License Fund (MLF). The FY 2016-17 transfer from the MLF to the PSP is $802 million. The transfer, which has increased substantially in recent years, supports PSP’s mission to patrol Pennsylvania highways but significantly limits PennDOT’s mission to maintain and improve those highways and bridges. Each organization has safety as a core element of its mission; thus, both qualify for MLF funding. Recognizing the need to preserve transportation funding, the language in the Fiscal Code, enacted as part of the FY 2016-17 state budget, reduces the MLF transfer to the PSP over the next decade, ultimately capping it at approximately $500 million per year. Assuming a $500 million MLF transfer cap, and using the PSP total budget projected for FY 2017-18, the Commonwealth would face an estimated $350 million gap in PSP funding. This report, therefore, uses $350 million as a target or estimate for purposes of identifying potential funding options. The actual funding gap would vary: The MLF transfer steps down gradually (making the gap less severe over the next few years). The PSP budget, however, can be expected to grow over time (ultimately resulting in a gap that could exceed $350 million).

Keywords: Pennsylvania state police funding, PA state police funding, Pennsylvania state policy funding study, Pennsylvania state policy funding options, state police funding options, how are the state police funded, state police and gas tax, state police funding and the Motor License Fund, State general funds, state police funding study

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Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy Study cover
Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy Study

Publication Date: May 31, 2016

Summary: The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) commissioned this study to strengthen the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) policy for bicycles and pedestrians and establish new methods for policy implementation and follow-through. TAC facilitated this process and engaged PennDOT staff and leadership along with a broad spectrum of other stakeholders to obtain a range of expertise and perspectives. This report presents the TAC’s bicycle and pedestrian policy recommendation to the State Transportation Commission (STC) for its consideration and endorsement. This document is organized into three sections: Section one introduces the purpose of the study, provides background on bicycle and pedestrian planning and policy at the federal and state levels, and summarizes the project methodology. Section two contains recommended PennDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Policy. This section functions as a stand-alone document and embodies the core purpose of this report. Section three provides a recommended policy implementation strategy. An Appendix summarizes bicycle and pedestrian policies, procedures, and design guidelines of other states.

Keywords: bicycle and pedestrian policy, bicycle and pedestrian policy study, PennDOT’s bike ped policy, bike ped policy, bike ped study, bicycle and pedestrian planning, bike and ped planning, PA bike and ped study, Pennsylvania bike and ped study, bike study, pedestrian study, Pennsylvania bike and ped policy study, Pennsylvania bicycle and pedestrian policy study, PA bike and ped policy study

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Traffic Incident Management cover
Traffic Incident Management

Publication Date: February 28, 2014

Summary: As defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Traffic Incident Management (TIM) is a planned and coordinated multi-disciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. Effective TIM reduces the duration and impact of traffic incidents and improves the safety of motorists, crash victims, and emergency responders. It also significantly reduces traffic congestion – 25 percent of all congestion is attributed to traffic incidents. This study examines the current state of TIM in Pennsylvania and the U.S. It identifies the issues involved in TIM, based on current research to identify programs and delivery systems that can be effective in reducing the disruption time that motorists, pedestrians, and communities experience on local, state, and private roads.

Keywords: Traffic Incident Management, TIM, history of TIM, TIM best practices, TIP policy and legislation in PA, TIM safety, clearing traffic incidents, clearing crashes, TIM in PA, TIM in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania TIM study, Traffic Incident Management in Pennsylvania, Traffic Incident Management in PA

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Driver Education cover
Driver Education

Publication Date: August 31, 2013

Summary: Driver education traditionally refers to programs for beginning drivers consisting of both “theory” instruction in the classroom and practical training in a vehicle. In reality, driver education is a process of training and licensing new drivers and educating existing licensed drivers of changes in traffic laws. This study examines the current state of driver education in Pennsylvania and the nation and identifies the issues related to driver training and education. The value of current programs was reviewed based on current research to identify programs and delivery systems that can be effective in reducing crashes and improving driver safety. This study also examines the issue of driver education for experienced drivers and the most effective ways of keeping drivers up-to-date on driving laws and good driving habits.

Keywords: Pennsylvania driver education study, PA driver education, PA driver education study, new driver education, senior driver education, driving laws, driver instruction, driver license requirements, driver education requirements, mature driving courses, driver education standards, graduated driver licensing, novice teen driver education, driver education recommendations, driver education funding

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Cameras in Work Zones cover
Cameras in Work Zones

Publication Date: November 30, 2012

Summary: Safety is the leading priority for Pennsylvania’s transportation system. One specific area of concern is safety in highway work zones. For the decade ending in 2011, there was an average of 1,826 crashes per year in Pennsylvania’s work zones, including an average of 24 fatalities per year. In 2011, 48 percent of work zone crashes resulted in fatalities and/or injuries. Drivers do not always exercise the appropriate level of caution in work zones, and in particular, do not always slow down to the posted speed limit in work zones. A few other states have implemented photo enforcement of speed limits in construction zones as a high-tech/lower-cost alternative to having state police on site. This TAC study examines the value and feasibility of implementing work zone photo enforcement in Pennsylvania, examining the safety, technology, and funding.

Keywords: cameras in work zones, PA cameras in work zones, Pennsylvania cameras in work zones, work zone safety, cameras in work zones in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania work zone safety, speeding in work zones, crashes in work zones, highway work zones, work zone cameras, work zone cameras in PA, PA work zone cameras

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Financial Needs of Counties and Municipalities for Highways and Bridges cover
Financial Needs of Counties and Municipalities for Highways and Bridges

Publication Date: December 31, 2011

Summary: Local governments are responsible for more than 77,500 miles of highway, or 64 percent of all public road mileage, in Pennsylvania. There are also an estimated 12,000 bridges greater than eight feet long at the local level. The state’s 14,000 traffic signals on state and local roads are owned and operated by local governments. These local roads and bridges are an important segment of the total transportation system, and they provide critical links to homes and businesses. Many local governments struggle to provide basic maintenance on this system and lack the resources to adequately plan for the long-term capital needs on the system. The Pennsylvania Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) performed this study to better understand the needs and requirements of local roads and bridges in relation to the financing of the transportation system. This was a more comprehensive analysis of the local system than has been done in the past.

Keywords: Financial needs for local highways, financial needs for local bridges, PA local bridge funding, local road and bridge funding in PA, local highway funding, local bridge funding, local transportation funding, local road funding, county transportation funding, municipal transportation funding, PA local transportation system funding

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Evaluating the Automated Red Light Enforcement Program (ARLE) cover
Evaluating the Automated Red Light Enforcement Program (ARLE)

Publication Date: October 31, 2011

Summary: The Automated Red Light Enforcement Program, or “ARLE,” is a program aimed at enhancing motorist and pedestrian safety through improved technology and operations. Public concern over the incidence of red light running had reached a level that made it a significant policy issue. In 2002 the Pennsylvania General Assembly amended the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code to authorize Cities of the First Class (i.e., Philadelphia) to operate an ARLE program. The legislation designated the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) as the authorized organization to administer the program. No other Pennsylvania jurisdiction or agency has the legal authority to implement an ARLE program. Act 67 of 2007 extended the duration of the initial ARLE program to December 31, 2011. The Pennsylvania Secretary of Transportation must approve intersections for inclusion in the program. The first intersection equipped with cameras went into operation in 2005. There are currently 21 approved intersections in the City of Philadelphia—19 intersections are currently in operation and two more expected to be in operation by the end of 2011. The legislation intended that the program be evaluated for effectiveness and potential continuation or expansion. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) asked the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to perform an objective, independent analysis of the program for that purpose.

Keywords: automated red light enforcement program, red light enforcement in Pennsylvania, red light cameras in PA, ARLE, red light cameras, red light study, red light safety, ARLE procedures, approved ARLE intersections, ARLE success, ARLE safety, running red lights, intersection safety, intersection crashes, Pennsylvania ARLE program, PennDOT ARLE program, Pennsylvania red light enforcement program

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Future Directions for Transportation in Pennsylvania cover
Future Directions for Transportation in Pennsylvania

Publication Date: January 31, 2011

Summary: This Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) white paper highlights critical challenges and opportunities related to transportation that Pennsylvania will face over the next decade. This is the third time that the TAC has issued a broad report on transportation direction-setting, beginning with the New Directions for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) report of 1976. This subject is timely with an upcoming change of administration and recognition that there must be significant attention to our aging transportation system. Pennsylvania, like most of the nation, is slowly coming out of a protracted and deep recession. This fragile recovery underscores the longer-term need for a strong transportation system as a key element of the Commonwealth’s future economic prosperity.

Keywords: future directions for transportation in PA, future of transportation in PA, transportation issues in Pennsylvania, future of transportation in Pennsylvania, transportation funding, transportation safety, transportation integrated planning, transportation maintenance, transportation economic and community development, transportation human capital, transportation public involvement

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Transportation Funding Study cover
Transportation Funding Study

Publication Date: May 31, 2010

Summary: Pennsylvania’s transportation system impacts every resident, business, and visitor of the Commonwealth. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), transit agencies, and local governments to deliver transportation services that meet transportation needs within current funding constraints. Travelers now confront an aging transportation system that is increasingly snarled with delays. Year after year, there are more infrastructure and service deficiencies than money to address them. The significant backlog of critical projects hinders the state’s economic competitiveness and takes a toll on our people, businesses, and the environment. As the state Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) developed this report, several key trends and issues were in play, affecting the ultimate outcome of the state’s near- and long-term transportation funding picture. Changes are needed in the way Pennsylvania funds its transportation system, as former ways of doing business will no longer be adequate to keep pace with future demands.

Keywords: transportation funding in PA, transportation funding study, transportation funding in Pennsylvania, transportation revenues, federal funding, state highway funding, state transit funding, Pennsylvania fuel tax, how to fund transportation, PennDOT funding

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Congestion Mitigation and Smart Transportation cover
Congestion Mitigation and Smart Transportation

Publication Date: May 31, 2009

Summary: Smart Transportation is about partnering to build great communities for future generations of Pennsylvanians by linking transportation investments with land-use planning. Smart Transportation is an approach to roadway planning and design in which each transportation solution is tailored to the specific project and situation. The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is following a Smart Transportation direction in its planning and design activities. This report focuses on how to apply the principles of Smart Transportation to identify lower-cost congestion mitigation techniques that could be implemented relatively quickly to facilitate traffic flow. This study is timely because congestion—whether caused by bottlenecks, poor traffic signal timing, or traffic incidents—is a growing problem across Pennsylvania. Vehicle travel continues to increase, but the capacity of the transportation system is not increasing. Traffic congestion cost Pennsylvanians $2.7 billion in 2005. Unless it is addressed, it could cost $8 billion per year in fuel and delay costs by 2035.

Keywords: congestion mitigation, smart transportation, PA congestion mitigation, Pennsylvania congestion mitigation, Pennsylvania smart transportation, smart transportation in PA, roadway planning and design, principles of smart transportation, low cost congestion mitigation, congestion mitigation techniques, bottlenecks, poor traffic signal timing, traffic incidents, congestion mitigation and smart transportation, congestion mitigation and smart transportation in PA

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Truck Parking in Pennsylvania cover
Truck Parking in Pennsylvania

Publication Date: December 31, 2007

Summary: Demand for truck parking, in Pennsylvania and nationwide, is increasing due to several factors. These include: the growth in trucking which reflects population increases and economic markets—particularly the growing volume of imports that serve this massive consumer base, new federal hours-of-service regulations require more downtime for drivers, which translates into an increase in demand for truck parking, and the supply of truck parking is not keeping pace with the steadily growing demand. This study provides an overview of the truck parking issues and trends facing Pennsylvania, the identification of regions in the state where parking demand is highest, and options for parking providers, drivers, and decision-makers. Through this study, the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) provides an analysis of the complex issues surrounding truck parking, and multi-faceted strategies to achieve adequate and safe truck parking across the state.

Keywords: truck parking, truck parking in PA, truck parking in Pennsylvania, truck parking needs, trucking regulations, safe truck parking, truck parking demands, Pennsylvania truck parking needs

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Transit Operator Performance Measures - White Paper cover
Transit Operator Performance Measures - White Paper

Publication Date: July 31, 2007

Summary: The purpose of this study is to document the current state of the practice regarding application of performance measures and standards in the management and oversight of state public transportation funding programs, and in the evaluation of the delivery of public transportation services. The study results and recommendations are intended to inform the process of implementing the recommendations of the Pennsylvania Transportation Funding and Reform Commission, and to provide the necessary background information to assist the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and others in the drafting of legislation related to reforming the structural basis and the management approach for the Commonwealth’s public transportation funding programs. In addition, as of June 28, 2007, the Pennsylvania General Assembly was considering proposed transportation legislation that would address both funding levels and transit performance and accountability issues.

Keywords: transit operator performance measures, PA transit operators, Pennsylvania transit operator performance, PA public transportation funding programs, Pennsylvania public transportation funding, Pennsylvania Transportation Funding and Reform Commission, public transportation, PA transit performance measures, Pennsylvania transit measures

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Storm Water Facilities on State Highways cover
Storm Water Facilities on State Highways

Publication Date: February 28, 2007

Summary: Storm water infrastructure must be maintained and improved to protect the health, safety, and welfare, and support the movement of goods, people, and services on the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) highways. The responsibility for the maintenance of storm water facilities on state highways running through townships, boroughs, and cities is unclear and, in many cases, disputed. This study was undertaken by the Transportation Advisory Commission to identify the current responsibilities for storm water maintenance along state highways, to evaluate the extent and associated costs of storm water maintenance along state highways, and to develop equitable alternatives for improving the management of these facilities and the funding for ongoing maintenance and improvements.

Keywords: storm water facilities on state highways, storm water on highways, storm water on Pennsylvania highways, storm water, PA storm water on roads, cost of storm water maintenance, storm water maintenance, managing storm water, storm water on highways, storm water facilities management, storm water facilities in Pennsylvania, PennDOT storm water facilities on state highways

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Defining a Core Pennsylvania Transportation System cover
Defining a Core Pennsylvania Transportation System

Publication Date: August 31, 2006

Summary: The subject of this study is both important and extraordinary. Transportation system management and the federal and state priority for more intermodal approaches require a framework for defining a priority transportation system. That is the important part. The extraordinary part is that this is the first effort in Pennsylvania to define a single multimodal system of statewide significance. The State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is an advisory body. By law, it does not have the decision- or policy-making authority. TAC, however, recognizes its responsibility for having the “first word” on this important and emerging issue. Several baseline considerations, therefore, are offered at the outset to provide a proper foundation and perspective for the reader. The identification of a Core PA Transportation System (CPTS) is identified as the desired breakthrough in Pennsylvania's pending Long Range Transportation Plan—The Pennsylvania Mobility Plan ( This is the first effort to define a multimodal system for the Commonwealth. This early process of issue analysis and identification is consistent with the statutory authority of TAC and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), as the mission of each relates to Pennsylvania’s transportation system (singular).

Keywords: Transportation system management, Core PA Transportation System, CPTS, PA Multimodal system, Pennsylvania multimodal system, Core Pennsylvania Transportation System, what is CPTS, what is Pennsylvania’s transportation system, defining a core transportation system, PA core transportation system

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Pennsylvania Traffic Signal System - A Review of Policies and Practices cover
Pennsylvania Traffic Signal System - A Review of Policies and Practices

Publication Date: January 31, 2005

Summary: There are more than 13,600 traffic signals in Pennsylvania that are owned and maintained by 1,192 (47%) of Pennsylvania’s 2,655 municipalities. Of the municipalities owning traffic signals, 80 percent have 10 or fewer signals, 64 percent have five or fewer signals, and 25 percent have one signal. Many of these municipalities have neither the technical expertise nor the resources to maintain and operate their traffic signals. There is minimal operational oversight at the state level after the initial installation as the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) authority is limited. As a result, many traffic signals are viewed on a “microscopic” jurisdictional level. Regional implications and opportunities as to how to best manage and operate the signal systems may not be realized or even considered. This Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) examined Pennsylvania’s Traffic Signal Systems and the policies and practices associated with their management and operation. In particular, traffic signal systems were considered in the context of their role in congestion relief.

Keywords: Pennsylvania Traffic Signal System, traffic signal policies, Pennsylvania traffic signal policies, Pennsylvania’s traffic signal systems, PA traffic signal systems and policies, PA traffic signals, traffic signals and congestion relief, municipal traffic signals, red light policies, red light congestion, traffic signal maintenance, red light maintenance

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Economic Impact of Railroads in Pennsylvania cover
Economic Impact of Railroads in Pennsylvania

Publication Date: January 31, 2005

Summary: Serving small towns and large metropolitan areas, railroads provide service in all but two of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. With this coverage, the railroad industry affects nearly every Pennsylvanian through goods transported, jobs sustained, and electric power generated through rail transported coal. Railroads also help reduce highway traffic and repair. Railroads move a wide variety of commodities for manufacturing, mining, petroleum, food, and other industries to produce and supply goods that are needed by Pennsylvanians. Railroads also move people. This report considers intercity passenger rail operations as it relates to the overall economic impact of railroads, but the primary focus is rail freight. This study examines the impact of railroad operations on the Pennsylvania economy. Study results were derived through a combination of four case studies and through macroeconomic analysis.

Keywords: railroads in Pennsylvania, impact of railroads, economic impact of railroads, PA railroads, railroad operations and the economy, railroad operations in PA, rail freight in PA, Pennsylvania railroad operations, railroad economics, economic impact of railroads, railroad impact in PA

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Streamlining PennDOT’s Project Delivery Process cover
Streamlining PennDOT’s Project Delivery Process

Publication Date: February 28, 2002

Summary: The Pennsylvania Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) has developed this report to identify common issues affecting the efficient delivery of transportation projects in the Commonwealth. Previous TAC studies resulted in the identification of delays in the delivery of projects in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) bridge program. TAC decided to pursue this study to more completely determine those issues affecting the delivery of transportation improvements across the Commonwealth. Specifically, the report attempts to identify inefficiencies and delays in transportation project delivery related to the fulfillment of required environmental compliance during the preliminary engineering phase of project development. The report also attempts to determine if these findings are similar to the experiences and expectations of those involved in the delivery of transportation projects within the Commonwealth. Finally, due to the high level of interest and urgency expressed by the TAC Task Force to affect change, the report has identified a number of issue-specific considerations and some broad-based strategies for moving forward.

Keywords: PennDOT’s project delivery process, Pennsylvania transportation project delivery, streamlining project delivery, delivery of transportation projects in PA, deliver of transportation projects, project delivery and environmental compliance, improving project delivery, streamlining PennDOT project delivery, project delivery at PennDOT

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Pennsylvania Statewide Passenger Rail Needs Assessment cover
Pennsylvania Statewide Passenger Rail Needs Assessment

Publication Date: December 31, 2001

Summary: The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) chose to broadly assess the need for statewide intercity passenger rail service in key transportation corridors pursuant to PennPlan Objective #20. PennPlan contains ten broad goals that relate to various key themes, public input, and 29 specific objectives. One objective (#20) is to “Develop a statewide, passenger-rail needs assessment.” That objective relates to several of the ten PennPlan goals, including retain jobs and expand economic opportunities; make transportation decisions that support land-use planning objectives; and, to maintain, upgrade, and improve the transportation system. These goals in turn relate to many PennPlan themes including mobility, transportation options, efficiency, environment, equity, economy, and safety. The PennPlan issues are addressed along with the study goals in order to assess the Commonwealth’s statewide passenger rail needs.

Keywords: Pennsylvania statewide passenger rail needs, PA passenger rail, statewide passenger rail, passenger rail needs, PennPlan, PennPlan goals, PA passenger rail needs, impact of passenger rail, benefits of statewide passenger rail, passenger rail needs in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania rail needs assessment

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Assessing the Availability of Transportation Services for Persons with Disabilities in Rural Pennsylvania cover
Assessing the Availability of Transportation Services for Persons with Disabilities in Rural Pennsylvania

Publication Date: June 30, 2000

Summary: The Pennsylvania State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is authorized under state law to provide independent advice to the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the Secretary of Transportation on any issue of direct or indirect importance to the mobility of people and goods in the Commonwealth. TAC chose to examine the transportation needs of persons with disabilities for two important reasons. First, to begin closing the extensive information gap on the extent and nature of this population’s transportation needs in rural Pennsylvania. Second, to generate a range of recommendations that could be used to begin addressing a basic need of most people – the need for transportation. For the purpose of this study “rural” uses the Census definition, which applies to 65 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties— Allegheny (Pittsburgh) and Philadelphia counties being outside the definition.

Keywords: transportation services for persons with disabilities, transportation needs of persons with disabilities, rural transportation needs, persons with disabilities in Pennsylvania, rural transportation in PA, rural transportation for persons with disabilities, disabilities, availability of transportation services in ruralPA, transportation disabilities in rural Pennsylvania, PA rural transportation needs

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Evaluation of PennDOT’s Bridge Program cover
Evaluation of PennDOT’s Bridge Program

Publication Date: April 30, 2000

Summary: In August 1999, the Pennsylvania State Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) initiated a study to review the effectiveness of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) current maintenance and asset management practices of bridges in the Commonwealth. In establishing this study, the TAC expressed interest in a broad, wide-ranging review of the bridge program’s effectiveness. TAC also examined PA bridge needs in the early 1980s, a study that contributed to the establishment of the billion-dollar bridge program. A key study focus was a review of existing bridge conditions in relation to a historic trend analysis of spending for bridge construction, improvements, and maintenance. The basic concept is to determine if the bridge system is improving relative to the investments made. The report also reviews the Department’s bridge project delivery process. This is especially relevant in light of the increasing time and cost involved in getting a bridge project ready for construction bidding. And finally, the report reviews the various funding requirements and policies for each bridge program.

Keywords: Evaluation of PennDOT’s bridge program, PennDOT’s bridge program, evaluation of PennDOT’s bridges, bridge program’s effectiveness, PA bridge program, PA bridge needs, Pennsylvania’s bridge program, Pennsylvania’s bridge needs, bridge program in Pennsylvania, PA bridges, bridge project delivery process

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