Key Partners

Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC)

PA State Law, Act 120 of 1970, established the Pennsylvania Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) to advise the State Transportation Commission (STC) and the PennDOT Secretary of Transportation.

Purpose and Mission

  • Consult and advise the STC and the Secretary of Transportation on all transportation modes
  • Serve as a connection between PennDOT and the general public

Role in the Planning Process

  • Spread awareness about the transportation planning, programming, and goals of PennDOT and the STC
  • Conduct in-depth studies on key issues to inform the planning process. View studies and reports.

Public Involvement Opportunities

TAC Committee


Jody L. Holton, AICP

TAC Chair
Assistant General Manager SEPTA

Honorable Mike Carroll

PA Department of Transportation

Honorable Akbar Hossain

Planning and Policy
Office of the Governor

Honorable Stephen M. DeFrank

PA Public Utility Commission

Honorable Angela Fitterer

Interim Acting Secretary
PA Department of Education

Honorable Jessica Shirley

Acting Secretary
PA Department of Environmental Protection

Honorable Russell Redding

PA Department of Agriculture

Honorable Rick Siger

PA Department of Community and Economic Development

Honorable Wayne Langerholc, Jr.

Senate of Pennsylvania
Majority Chair of Senate
Transportation Committee
Alt: Nolan R. Ritchie

Honorable Timothy P. Kearney

Senate of Pennsylvania
Transportation Committee
Alt: Sam Arnold

Honorable Kerry Benninghoff

PA House of Rep.
Minority Chair of House
Transportation Committee
Alt: Josiah Shelly

Honorable Ed Neilson

PA House of Rep.
Majority Chair of House
Transportation Committee
Alt: Kyle Wagonseller

Mr. Jeffrey Letwin

Saul Ewing, LLC
Allegheny County

Mr. Richard Barcaskey

Executive Director, Constructors Association of Western Pennsylvania
Allegheny County

Mr. John Pocius, P.E., PLS

LaBella Associates
Lackawanna County

Mr. Michael Carroll, P.E.

Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems
City of Philadelphia

Jeff Mercadante

Pitt Ohio
Allegheny County

Ms. Felicia Dell, AICP

Director of Planning
York County Planning Commission

Mr. Alan Blahovec, CCTM

Executive Director, Westmoreland County Transit Authority
Westmoreland County

Mr. Larry J. Nulton, Ph.D.

Nulton Aviation Services, Inc.
Cambria County

Mr. L. Ashley Porter, P.E.

Porter Consulting Engineers, P.C.
Crawford County

Mr. Mark Murawski

TAC Vice-Chair
Transportation Planner
Lycoming County

Mr. Ron G. Wagenmann

Manager, Upper Merion Township (retired)
Montgomery County

Mr. Elam Herr

Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (retired)
Lancaster County

Mr. Charles F. Welker, P.E.

EADS Group, Inc. (ret.)
Blair County

Ms. Rebecca Oyler

President & CEO 
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
Camp Hill

Mr. Donald L. Detwiler

New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co., Inc.
Bedford County

Mr. Jeffrey J. Stroehmann

JDM Consultants
Union County