How It Works

Transportation Performance Report (TPR)

The Transportation Performance Report (TPR) explains the progress and needs of Pennsylvania’s transportation system in the most recent two-year period. It covers the areas of safety, mobility, preservation, accountability, funding, and freight.

Who creates it?

The State Transportation Commission (STC) and the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) create the TPR.

When is it updated?

The TPR is updated every two years. It is published before the public comment period for the 12-Year Program (TYP) update.

Public Participation Opportunities

  • Read the TPR to better understand Pennsylvania’s transportation accomplishments and needs.
  • The 2023 Public Comment Period for the update of the 12-Year Program began on March 1, 2023, and concluded on April 30, 2023.
  • Take the Transportation Survey. Although the Public Comment Period has concluded, the survey will remain open until September 30, 2023. We want to provide every opportunity for the public to get involved in the process
  • Join the mailing list to receive notifications about upcoming opportunities.

Read the 2023 Transportation Performance Report

The Transportation Performance Report covers reporting on the areas of safety, mobility, preservation, accountability, funding, and freight.

Read the TPR TPR Scorecard