Key Partners

Other Committees

PennDOT has a number of other committees that provide guidance throughout the planning process.

Aviation Advisory Committee

The Aviation Advisory Committee provides guidance to the Governor, the General Assembly, the Secretary of Transportation, and the State Transportation Commission on aviation matters. Learn more about the committee.

Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee

The Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee has the power and duty to assess, evaluate, and recommend standards for the safe operation of motor carriers in the commonwealth. Learn more about the committee.

Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Pedalcycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee advises and comments on all phases of cycling and pedestrian program activities being undertaken or financially assisted by PennDOT and agencies of state government. Learn more about the committee.

Public-Private Partnerships Board

The Pennsylvania Public-Private Transportation Partnerships Board (P3 Board) oversees the Pennsylvania P3 program. The Board meets at least twice a year to review and consider solicited and unsolicited transportation projects, and to receive progress reports on approved activities. All meetings are open to the public. Learn more about the P3 program.

Rail Freight Advisory Committee

The Rail Freight Advisory Committee:

  • Advises and comments on the comprehensive rail freight study
  • Advises and comments on all phases of the rail freight transportation program activities being undertaken or financially assisted by the PennDOT
  • Proposes methods, strategies, or technologies for improving rail freight transportation service systems or facilities within the commonwealth

Learn more about Rail Freight in Pennsylvania.

State Transportation Innovation Council

The Pennsylvania State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) facilitates the rapid implementation of proven, well-researched and documented state, regional, national and international technologies, tactics, techniques and any other innovations that are new to Pennsylvania. The STIC also supports the implementation of the Federal Highway Administration's Every Day Counts (EDC) innovations. Learn more about STIC.