Key Partners

State Transportation Commission (STC)

PA State Law, Act 120 of 1970, established the Pennsylvania State Transportation Commission (STC) to serve as PennDOT’s board of directors.

Purpose and Mission

  • Evaluate the state and performance of Pennsylvania’s transportation system
  • Assess the resources required to maintain, improve, and expand transportation facilities

Role in the Planning Process

  • Set the policy direction for the 12-Year Program (TYP)
  • Review and adopt the TYP every two years
  • Submit the TYP and the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Secretary of Transportation every two years

Public Involvement Opportunities

  • Attend a quarterly meeting
    • Provide comment
  • The Public Comment Period for the update of the 12-Year Program begins March 3, 2025, and ends April 30, 2025.

STC Commission


Honorable Mike Carroll

PA Department of Transportation

Honorable Sharon L. Knoll

Resident Erie County

Honorable Karen Michael, P.E.

Resident Clearfield County

Honorable Kerry Benninghoff

PA House of Rep.
Chair of House Transportation Committee
Alt: Josiah Shelly

Honorable Ed Neilson

PA House of Rep.
Majority Chair of the House Transportation Committee
Alt: Kyle Wagonseller

Honorable Judy Ward

Senate of Pennsylvania
Majority Chair of Senate
Transportation Committee
Alt: Nolan R. Ritchie

Honorable Marty Flynn

Senate of Pennsylvania
Minority Chair of Senate
Transportation Committee
Alt: Justin Gensimore

Honorable James Kingsborough

Resident Cumberland County

Honorable Paige Willan

Resident Philadelphia County