How it works

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

A Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) lists planned projects and assigns funding over a four-year period. TIPs cover regional projects and statewide initiatives.

Who creates it?

Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations (MPOs and RPOs) create local TIPs that include all the projects for a region. PennDOT creates two statewide-managed TIPs that span multiple regions including the Interstate Management Program TIP and Statewide Initiatives TIP.

When is it updated?

Pennsylvania TIPs are updated every two years. The 2025 Regional TIPs are currently being updated. The Draft Regional TIPs are available for 30-day Public Comment Periods from March through June 2024. View the Regional TIP Map to find the Public Comment Period dates for each region.

How does it impact the planning process?

PennDOT combines the 24 individual regional TIPs with two statewide TIPs to create the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is also the first four years of the 12-Year Program.

What laws, regulations, and guidance are involved?

Public Participation Opportunities

  • Click a region to view the region’s Public Comment Period dates.
  • You can comment on any Draft TIP during the Public Comment Period every two years. The Regional TIP Public Comment Periods are ongoing from March through June 2024.

Draft 2025 Regional TIPs

All Draft 2025 Regional TIPs are available for 30-day Public Comment Periods from March through June 2024. Click a region to view the region's TIP documents and share your feedback through your region's linked page.

Map Legend

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