August 14, 2024
January 23, 2024
Planning State Transportation CommissionBy Mark Murawski, TAC Vice-Chair
In 2022, the TAC completed a first-ever Pennsylvania Aviation System Strategic Investment Plan that defined critical issues facing our aviation mode, including increasing investment in aviation infrastructure, workforce development, and emerging technology. Reductions or total loss of commercial air service in specific PA communities is also a significant concern, given its major implications on our local economies. This plan identified an annual aviation funding gap of $53.5 million that could grow substantially in the near future if the federal Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law funding levels are not reauthorized. Many critical aviation functions requiring talented and adequately trained staff to continue, such as pilots, aircraft mechanics, and airport managers, are at substantial risk due to retirements and a lack of interest or capability in filling the vacant positions. Many emerging technologies related to aviation, such as unmanned aircraft, advanced air mobility, and other technological innovations, are coming online nationally. Yet Pennsylvania needs a framework or dedicated funding to address it proactively.
As Co-Chair of the TAC Aviation Study Task Force along with Dr. Larry Nulton, a fellow TAC member, I was pleased to see such active participation from our aviation community leaders who gave their valuable time and expertise to help craft the study recommendations. Also, nine listening sessions were held throughout the Commonwealth to gain vital public input.
Once TAC completes a study, the appropriate partners and stakeholders must actively implement the recommendations. Accordingly, the PA Aviation Advisory Committee and Aviation Council of PA have assumed the lead in helping to implement this PA Aviation Strategic Investment Plan. For example, Senator Wayne Langerholc, Majority Chairman of the PA Senate Transportation Committee, held a public hearing on the "State of PA Aviation" at the Johnstown Airport on April 20, 2023, at which Dr. Nulton and I, along with several other TAC Aviation Task Force members testified about the importance for the PA General Assembly to consider the TAC study recommendations. In addition, the PA Aviation Advisory Committee and Aviation Council of PA worked cooperatively to issue a policy paper in September 2023 entitled "Pennsylvania Takes Flight: A Framework for Comprehensive State Aviation Legislation" that consolidated all TAC study recommendations requiring General Assembly action to implement. This policy paper may be viewed at:
I am confident that 2024 will be a watershed year for PA Aviation thanks to the TAC study that has strong consensus, support from our PA Aviation partners, and their commitment to advance its recommendations. In my view, the issues identified in the report are serious, and there is no time to waste in taking actionable steps now to give our aviation mode the resources it needs to keep our Commonwealth’s aviation system robust and able to respond to the current and future opportunities and challenges we face.