Take a Trip Through the STIP Process
Take a Trip Through the STIP Process

June 18, 2022


PennDOT developed an educational infographic about the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) development process including its 15-day public comment period. The STIP is a short-range planning tool, required under federal law, that lists statewide planned projects and assigns funding over a four-year period. In addition to the STIP process, the infographic explains how transportation needs are identified, planned and funded. Learn about the STIP process here.

The STIP makes up the first four years of the 12-Year Program. The STIP includes the 24 regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) and two statewide-managed TIPs. Every two years, the STIP is updated with revised or new projects, which are identified through Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations (MPOs and RPOs) and public comment periods. The public comment period for the 2023 STIP is scheduled for June 2022.